
How can kids demonstrate mercy and forgiveness in their daily lives? In Frankendork, Barney Ludkins takes young readers on a journey from darkness to light. Written for ages 6-10, this new children’s book is an encouraging Christian read for the Halloween season.

Franky, an intriguing character, is the creation of Dr. Frankendork. Ludkins thoughtfully acknowledges that while Franky’s existence goes against God’s order, God can still use him for good. Franky has a relationship with God where he prays and listens to the Holy Spirit.

Learning Valuable Lessons

At school, Franky faces a bully named Jacob. He also encounters Chugg and Snot, two creatures reminiscent of a werewolf and a vampire. They reminded me of Screwtape and Wormwood from C. S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters, as both sets of characters focus on temptation. In Frankendork, Chugg and Snot engage in mischievous pranks.

My kids were captivated by the book’s diverse characters and the vibrant, action-packed illustrations by Ilham Fatkurahman. I was happy to see them follow Franky as he learns valuable lessons about dealing with bullying, peer pressure, spiritual warfare, loving your enemies, showing empathy, telling the truth, and making friends. There’s much to take away from this book, and I’m eager to read what comes next!

Purchase Frankendork on Amazon.


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