Serge Study Guides

Job: Where Is God in My Suffering
The book of Job is an agonizing journey through the suffering of a godly man. We listen to his heart-wrenching thoughts and prayers and feel his confusion. Each person inevitably reads this story out of their own experience with suffering and disappointment. What is God up to? Why is this happening? Does he even care how we hurt?

Job: Where Is God in My Suffering? creates space for prayers, reflections, and conversations in which Job’s story, your story, and Jesus’s story all come together. All who suffer (and that’s everyone!) will find greater meaning and significance in their own experience as they encounter the God who sent his perfect Son to suffer for us.

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Acts: The Power That Changes the World
In his study of Acts, Howard Brown shows how the power that God unleashed at Pentecost is still at work in God’s people today, changing people and the world from the inside out.

The book of Acts traces the birth of the early church from its small, inauspicious beginnings to Paul’s arrival in Rome. As Jesus predicted, the kingdom of God started small, but the power of God is still transforming and changing broken people and places. Jesus is still with us, still at work, writing a new history that moves the lives of people in every place to bring heaven to earth until that last great day when he returns.

Through a study of the story of the early church, Acts: The Power that Changes the World will encourage, challenge, and empower readers to live out God’s story in their lives and in their world.

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Colossians: Becoming Who You Are in Christ

Through Steve Huber’s study of Colossians, participants will discover the powerful transformation that occurs when their identity is deeply rooted in their union with Jesus.

In a culture where questions about identity are at the forefront, Christians need to remember the most important thing that defines them is being united to Christ. This truth is a daily reality that brings strength and a confident destiny that brings hope.

Colossians: Becoming Who You Are in Christ helps readers better understand their connection to Christ and realize that they are becoming who they have already been declared to be in Christ—fully loved and fully alive in him. Transformation is God’s good gift that comes as we cooperate with his redeeming power and learn to respond to His invitation to trust him and live out our connection with Jesus in every area of life.

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Son, Servant, Savior