Free eBooks
Free eBooks
I’ve been using my weekly newsletter to send the free eBooks I find online. I’ve collected my sources in a simple webpage for you to bookmark and share. Read more about my purposes in creating this page.
My online library features a resource collection of over 100 free eBooks from some of my favorite publishers, ministries, and authors. You’ll also find audiobooks, magazines and journals, and a variety of miscellaneous resources.
For more, check out my Free eBooks category on my blog.
Read and download my sermon manuscripts for free. Special thanks to Jess for turning them into beautiful PDF pamphlets.
Audiobooks are a great way to get a lot of reading done. Here is my webpage dedicated to Free Audiobooks.
Reader Bibles and Scripture Journals
Alabaster: Manuscripts
Crossway: Book of Romans ESV Digital Scripture Journal
Crossway: Easter Stories, by Kevin DeYoung
Monergism provides quality Christian literature in accessible formats for free. Most of these eBooks are high quality and available in both ePub and .mobi (kindle) formats with actively linked table of contents.
Monergism: Puritan Treasures (50 free Puritan classics)
Monergism: Doctrines of Grace - Collection of Essays
Monergism: A Complete Collection of Farewell Sermons (Thomas Manton, Thomas Watson, Thomas Brooks and more)
Monergism: An Exposition of the Book of Proverbs, by Charles Bridges
Monergism: A Vision for a Gospel Centered Life, by Tim Keller
Monergism: Morning & Evening, by Charles Spurgeon
Monergism: Introductory Volume to Systematic Theology and Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof
Greenhouse Publishing
Greenhouse Publishing is a Christian publishing company that seeks to nurture gospel growth. At The Book Corner, you will find flips books of all ebooks available alongside a link to content designed to go with the ebook. Books include:
Discipling by Mark Dever
Shaped by the Gospel by Tim Keller
Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund
Competing Spectacles by Tony Reinke
What is Biblical Theology? by James Hamilton Jr.
Parenting by Paul Tripp
Word-Filled Women’s Ministry by Gloria Furman and Kathleen Nielson
Christian Classics
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library is a digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books selected for edification and education.
E. M. Bounds: Weapon of Prayer
Andrew Murray: Absolute Surrender
John Calvin: On the Christian Life
Digital Puritan Press
The mission statement of Digital Puritan Press is to breathe new life into the God-honoring teachings of the English Puritans, by transferring their work to the next generation through emerging technologies. The author index includes all of your favorite Puritan authors with a brief bio and a catalog of their works.
Log College Press
Log College Press collects and reprints the writings of and about the 18th-19th century American Presbyterians. They currently have 19,000 works by over 1900 authors in their free PDF library. Not sure where to start? Check out their introduction to meet Vos, Machen, Warfield, Hodge, and more.
Baptist Heritage Press
Baptist Heritage Press is a publishing house that republishes important, forgotten or out-of-print literature from the Particular Baptists. The Particular Classics Series aims to introduce the laity, pastor, and scholar to the classic works of the Particular Baptists.
Spurgeon Center Digital Library
The Spurgeon Center for Biblical Preaching at Midwestern Seminary has everything you need on the Prince of Preachers. Find books, articles, sermons, lectures and more. All for free at the Spurgeon Center Digital Library.
Standard eBooks
Free and liberated eBooks, carefully produced for the true book lover. Browse their Poetry and Spirituality selections.
Desiring God and John Piper
Crossway: Coronavirus and Christ by John Piper
The Gospel Coalition and D. A. Carson
Themelios: Three Reflections on Evangelical Academic Publishing, by Andy Naselli
Thinking Theologically About Racial Tensions, by Kevin DeYoung (Heritage Bible Church)
From the Resurrection to His Return: Living Faithfully in the Last Days by D. A. Carson (Christian Focus, The Gospel Coalition)
D. A. Carson: 9 Free eBooks (links are sometimes not working)
Ligonier Ministries and R. C. Sproul
R.C. Sproul: The Race of Faith
Kindle: Crucial Questions by R. C. Sproul (39 eBooks)
W. Robert Godfrey: The Whole Counsel of God: Courageous Calvinism for the Twenty-First Century
9Marks and Mark Dever
A Display of God’s Glory, by Mark Dever
Polity: Biblical Arguments on How to Conduct Church Life, edited by Mark Dever
The Mentoring Project Field Guides
These Field Guides are designed to be discussed in 4-6 week sessions as you gather together and work through these skills for all of life.
What is Means to Be a Christian by Mitchell L. Chase
Relationships by Jonathan Parnell
The Bible, Work, and You by James M. Hamilton Jr.
Forgiveness by Garrett Kell
God’s Will for Your Life by Andy Naselli
Marriage God’s Way by Bob Kauflin
Time Management by Tim Challies
Vocation by Stephen Nichols
Midwestern Seminary and For the Church
The Nations Belong to God: A Christian Guide for Political Engagement by Andrew T. Walker
God’s Good Design: A Practical Guide for Answering Gender Confusion by Alex Ward
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Essential Reading on Evangelism by Albert Mohler and Southern Seminary calls all Christians to take the gospel message not only to the ends of the earth, but to their friends, neighbors, and coworkers.
Essential Reading on Leadership by Albert Mohler and Southern Seminary shows how conviction — the knowledge of truth that transforms — is the bedrock of Christian leadership.
Truths You Can Trust: As we engage in the task of biblical theology, we do this for the sake of accomplishing the Great Commission.
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
PRTS has a variety of Preaching Aids.
The Master’s Seminary
Published semi-annually, The Master’s Seminary Journal serves pastor-theologians charged to lead, feed, and guard their local churches, as well as the godly laymen who are called to support and serve alongside them in the work of the ministry.
The Word of God and the Pastor-Theologian is a festschrift dedicated to the seminary’s Chancellor and founder, Dr. John F. MacArthur. It's over 300 pages and avaliable to read and download in full.
A Little Book on the Reformation by Nathan Busenitz
Handling Scripture: From Hermeneutics to Homiletics — Learning to Rightly Interpret Scripture, from the Study to the Pulpit
TMSJ Archive: Read available journal articles from 1990 to today.
Magazines and Journals
Reformed Faith & Practice, the journal of Reformed Theological Seminary.
Ministry & Leadership, the magazine of Reformed Theological Seminary.
Moody Publishers
Habits for Spiritual Growth (Anthology)
The Visual Word Digital Outlines, by Patrick Schreiner
Many publishers give out monthly free eBooks. Here are some of my favorites.
Kindle: The Ministry of Intercession: A Plea for More Prayer, by Andrew Murray
Kindle: Humility: The Beauty of Holiness, by Andrew Murray
Kindle: The Cross, by J. C. Ryle
Kindle: Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John by J. C. Ryle
Mount Zion Bible Church Chapel Library: The Spurgeon Anthology
Prayers for Advent: A Free Reflection Guide from Lexham Press
Various Authors
Light of the Word Devotinal by Susan C. Lim
Karisa You: If Jesus Went to College
Crossway: The Case for Life by Scott Klusendorf
Covenant Eyes: Allied: Fighting Porn With Accountability, Faith, and Friends
Simeon Trust: Principles of Exposition
Tony Reinke: Easter Changes Everything
Tom Sugimura: Counsel the Word Series
Benjamin Vrbicek: Lost in December: A Short Story About Returning to Life After a Miscarriage
Grover Gunn: A Short Explanation and Defense of the Doctrines of Grace
Crossway: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS)
Wayne Grudem: God’s Providence
Tim Keller: The Decline and Renewal of the American Church (Extended Version)
John Frame & Vern Poythress: 40 Free eBooks