Light Unapproachable

Is it possible to truly know God? In Light Unapproachable, Ronni Kurtz writes on divine incomprehensibility and the task of theology.

Wholly Other

This book strikes a thoughtful balance between theological despair and theological idolatry, offering a profound perspective on how we can confidently know and name God while remembering our limitations as creatures. We are able to approach God with hope because He is a self-revealing God, yet we must also acknowledge that, as finite beings, we cannot fully grasp or name God univocally in our minds.

Kurtz defines divine incomprehensibility as the acknowledgment that God, the Creator, is wholly other than His creatures. This distinction between God and humanity places God beyond the rational jurisdiction of human theological and intellectual comprehension.

The book emphasizes that God has chosen specific ways to reveal Himself to His creatures: through nature, through the Holy Scriptures, and most fully, through the person of Jesus Christ. These are the means by which we can know God, though always in part.

Humble Awe

Kurtz also engages with John Chrysostom’s views in The Incomprehensible Nature of God, highlighting the idea that God’s nature is unapproachable and, therefore, incomprehensible—not merely uncomprehended. This distinction underscores the mystery of God’s being and invites us into humble awe before His majesty.

After reading this book, I am reminded of the limited but meaningful knowledge of God we can possess “in part” (1 Cor. 13:9-12), with the hopeful anticipation that one day, we will know Him fully. Though this is an academic work, it is deeply worshipful. Kurtz maintains a reverent respect for the holiness of God while fearlessly engaging in profound theological discussions about His nature.

Light Unapprochable has deepened my commitment to theological humility, reminding me of the vast chasm between the Creator and the creature. Yet, it also fills me with renewed gratitude for Christ, who bridges that gap and makes it possible for us to approach the Father.

I received a media copy of Light Unapproachable and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


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