Great to Good

Does God want us to be great or good? In Great to Good, Jae Hoon Lee compellingly shows how following Jesus reshapes our ambitions.

Reset and Recalibrate

Lee helps us understand that Christians should not strive for greatness in the eyes of the world, but rather focus on being good in terms of our faith, which is to be lived out through our actions. As followers of Christ, we are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth, to do good deeds, and to embody Christ’s love in tangible ways.

The book is divided into 50 short chapters, each one powerful, thought-provoking, and encouraging. I can easily imagine this book being used as a daily devotional to reset and recalibrate the heart, guiding readers toward humility and a deeper alignment with Christ.

Tearing and Mending

One of Lee’s greatest strengths is his ability to paint vivid word pictures. He illustrates complex spiritual truths with remarkable clarity. The idea that God transforms us through a process of “tearing and mending” particularly struck me. Lee explains how the cross of Christ tears away the evil within us, and then, through God’s grace, sews us back together, restoring our relationship with Him. This “spiritual surgery” is a compelling way to understand how God works in our lives, and Lee does an excellent job helping readers grasp this profound spiritual reality.

What I found especially refreshing is how Lee unapologetically draws from his own experience and cultural background as a Korean. As the senior pastor of Onnuri Church, chair of The Gospel Coalition Korea, and co-chair of the host committee for the 2024 Lausanne Congress on World Evangelism in Seoul, Lee’s insights are shaped by his self-reflection on the Korean church. While the book is written for a global audience, Lee does not shy away from his identity or heritage, making his message all the more authentic and personal.

Good and Faithful

Though the truths Lee presents are timeless, he also writes prophetically about our current cultural moment. In Chapter 28, Lives Are More Important than Rights, Lee addresses the legal vacuum surrounding abortion in South Korea following a Constitutional Court ruling that declared the country’s restrictions on abortion unconstitutional. He challenges church leaders in South Korea, the United States, and around the world to lead their communities toward a culture that upholds the sanctity of life.

After reading this book, I am left with renewed courage and a clearer sense of calling. To live the Christian life is to forsake worldly pursuits and follow Christ wholeheartedly. My prayer is that I may one day hear the Savior say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

I received a media copy of Great to Good and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


Land of My Sojourn


Light Unapproachable