Three Takeaways from Testimony Nite
I recently heard testimonies given by young adults who will be joining our church by membership and baptism. Here are three takeaways from that testimony night.
1. God gives us stories.
Every salvation story is different. We all have different backgrounds and different life situations. But the one thing our stories have in common is that we are sinners saved by grace. These stories are meant to be shared. I love hearing stories of the glories of Christ.
2. God saves in many ways.
God is sovereign in our salvation. He softens hardened hearts. He arranges our circumstances. He uses people. He opens our ears and unblinds our eyes. Sometimes it takes years. Sometimes it takes moments. Who is like the Lord our God? He is strong to save and faithful in love.
3. God adopts us into his family.
The biggest takeaway is that anyone who comes to Christ is made my brother and sister. Not only are we a part of the local church body, but we are a part of the global Church family. I am blessed to know them. And I am blessed to be included.