Fanny Crosby
Who was Fanny Crosby? In Fanny Crosby, Laura Caputo-Wickham tells the story of the girl who couldn’t see but helped the world to sing.
Rembrandt is In the Wind
What does art reveal about the world? In Rembrandt is In the Wind, Russ Ramsey reveals how we can learn to love art through the eyes of faith.
Christian Men
Things for Christian Men To Think About / 3 Ways to Help Kids With Disabilities Feel More Comfortable in Worship Services / Caring for the Least of These Through Foster Care / Messy, Late, and Happy: How to Survive Sundays with Small Kids
All About Books
Why Christians Are People of the Book: A Theology of Publishing / Spiritual Formation and Books: Reading as a Spiritual Practice / Why Christians Love Books: A Brief History / Our Magic Books / So Many Books
A Thousand Hallelujahs
A Thousand Hallelujahs (NewStory Church) / Build My Life (Good Stewards Church) / Great is the Lord (All Nations Community Church) / Simple Kingdom (Tapestry Church)
The Beauty of Divine Grace
The Beauty of Divine Grace / The Legacy of Sovereign Joy: Augustine, Luther, and Calvin / Remaking a Broken World
Back and Forth with God
Back and Forth with God: A Sentence That Reshaped My Relationships / Christmas Devotionals for Groups, Individuals, and Families / On Preaching (with John Piper) / Four Ways to Preach Like Jesus / Serve Others With Your Books
I Will Not Leave You as Orphans
How can believers obey when Christ is away? The Holy Spirit helps believers keep Christ’s commands.
Delighting in the Trinity
Is there beauty to behold in the doctrine of the Trinity? In Delighting in the Trinity, Michael Reeves presents an introduction to the Christian faith.
Social Sanity in an Insta World
Have you found yourself changed and consumed by your social media use? Edited by Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra, Social Sanity in an Insta World presents social media’s potentials and pitfalls—along with the biblical principles we need to honor the Lord online.
The Thrill of Orthodoxy
Are the basic truths of the Bible boring? In The Thrill of Orthodoxy, Trevin Wax walks you through rediscovering the adventure of Christian faith.