Bavinck: A Critical Biography
Who was Herman Bavinck? In Bavinck: A Critical Biography, James Eglinton shares the story of the beloved Dutch Calvinist theologian Herman Bavinck.
From Heaven
As we think about the Incarnation and Christ’s return, how can Christians best prepare him room? In From Heaven, Moody Publishers presents a 28-day Advent devotional from A. W. Tozer.
Love the Local Church
Teach Your Kids to Love the Local Church / Good Preaching Takes Hard Work / 10 Important Personal Lessons I Learned From Adopting a Child with Special Needs / Hope from the Chinese Wilderness
Pastors and Platforms
The Dehumanizing Habits That Social Media Has Normalized / Platforms Aren’t the Problem / Avoiding Pride in a World of Selfie Sticks and Social Media Platforms / Moral Failures in Ministry and My Social Media / Adopt a Different Platform-Growth Strategy
Living Hope
Living Hope / Ever Be / A Thousand Hallelujahs / The Perfect Wisdom of Our God
The Pastor and Church Administration
The Pastor and Church Administration / The Ekstasis Autumn Collection
Article-Publishing Truths and a Lie
How Can Reading God’s Word Promote Lasting Happiness? / One-to-One Bible Reading in Missions / The Day the Bible Became a Bestseller / There Are no Slippery Slopes in the Bible
A Teacher and a King
This was the closing prayer poem from my sermon Rightly Handling the Word of Truth.
Thank God it’s Friday
Gospelbound Podcast: Hope from the Chinese Wilderness / Learning About The Center for House Church Theology
Gifts of Grace
How can we see what Christ gives to us this Christmas? In Gifts of Grace, Jared C. Wilson leads you to delight in God’s wonderful gifts of grace through 25 Advent devotions.
The God of Amazing Gifts
How can you lead your children to our God who gives good gifts? In The God of Amazing Gifts, Lizzie Laferton helps you lead your family devotions for Advent.
Into His Presence
What can we learn from Puritan prayers? In Into His Presence, Tim Chester takes you along in praying with the Puritans.