Who Is Our King?
I love how this book shows Jesus growing up from a baby to a boy and to a man!
Who Are You?
This book will teach your children that their identity is rooted in their relationship with God.
Beautiful Freedom
What does the Bible have to say about beauty? In Beautiful Freedom, Stacy Reoach shows how the Bible shapes our views of appearance, food, and fitness.
The Unhurried Pastor
How can pastors prevent burnout and find balance? In The Unhurried Pastor, Brian Croft and Ronnie Martin redefine productivity for a more sustainable ministry.
Listen, Listen, Speak
How can we learn to listen to God’s voice in a world that seems to get louder and louder? How can we clearly speak truth when the world can’t keep quiet? In Listen Listen Speak, Jay Y. Kim writes on hearing God and being heard in a noisy world.
From Heaven He Came and Sought Her
How does the doctrine of definite atonement impact pastors and preachers today? From Heaven He Came and Sought Her is a comprehensive resource on definite atonement as it examines the issue from historical, biblical, theological, and pastoral perspectives.
J. I. Packer
On July 17, 2020, J. I. Packer passed away. In “J. I. Packer,” Alister McGrath presents the life and thought of one of the most influential evangelical theological and spiritual writers of the twentieth century.
In His Hands
What can you say to God when your child is suffering? In In His Hands, Eric M. Schumacher and Jessika Sanders provide prayers for your child or baby in a medical crisis.
George Whitefield, Volume 2
Set against the backdrop of the 18th-century, Arnold Dallimore’s masterful biography of George Whitefield is a grand adventure. From Whitefield’s birth in 1714 to to his death in 1770, we witness the exciting life of one who has dedicated his entire life to preaching the Gospel.
George Whitefield, Volume 1
In George Whitefield Volume One, Arnold Dallimore shares the life and times of the great evangelist of the 18th-century revival.
Now and Not Yet
How can you balance longing for the future with living in the present? In Now and Not Yet, Ruth Chou Simons shows how we can press in to Christ when you are waiting, wanting, and restless for more.
Respectable Sins
Do modern evangelicals care about their smaller sins? In Respectable Sins, Jerry Bridges shows how our subtle sins must still be addressed and overcome by the Gospel.