J. I. Packer

On July 17, 2020, J. I. Packer passed away. In “J. I. Packer,” Alister McGrath presents the life and thought of one of the most influential evangelical theological and spiritual writers of the twentieth century.

Legacy and Influence

McGrath is a bestselling author and friend of Packer. In about 150 pages and in 13 chapters, he paints a picture of a full life filled with faith. Bouncing between chapters of biographical narrative and theological reflection, McGrath leaves his readers with a profound sense of legacy and influence.

Packer loved the Puritans, and his study no doubt influenced his reading and writing. In academics, he was unparalleled – and he was highly sought as a teacher and speaker. Packer knew the importance of having a writing platform, and he wanted to bring theology outside of the classroom and into the life of the Church. Many loved him for his ability to write succinctly and clearly for the regular Christian.

Highs and Lows

Particularly interesting to me was Packer’s involvement in beginning the publishing work of InterVarsity Press, as well as his contributions to the English Standard Version of the Bible. It is clear that God used Packer mightily and in many ways. Working with words, writing articles, and publishing books have never looked more exciting.

McGrath, however, does not leave out some of the difficulties and disappointments in Packer’s life. He speaks of his bullying as a child, the many job losses he endured, professional challenges, parting ways with Martin Llyod-Jones, the controversy over evangelical collaboration with Catholicism, and his final days of failing health. Packer truly experienced the highs and lows of life, and McGrath tastefully takes us along for the journey.

Knowing God

While I was familiar with Packer’s bestselling book “Knowing God,” I was not familiar with the story of the author and his life work. After reading this book, I have the impression of a man who tried his best at truly knowing God. He dedicated his life and work to it. He wanted to discover and explore the “biggest thing that ever was.” I am inspired and encouraged to do the same.

I received a media copy of J. I. Packer and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.




In His Hands