Easter Trilogy

I just finished preaching a trilogy of Easter-themed sermons and collected them to share. Links open to the video and transcript. I hope to preach one more: Jesus Redeems!

Jesus Reigns: Two Confessions About the King

Preaching from Luke 19:38, I explain how King Jesus saves his people and brings peace to the world.

Jesus Rose: 3 Responses to the Resurrection

Preaching from Matthew 28:8-10 on Easter Sunday, I share that Christians respond to the resurrection with holy joy, true worship, and an eager boldness to tell others.

Jesus Restores: Two Ways the Son of God Reinstates Sinners

Preaching from John 21:15-19, I show that Jesus restores our relationship by extending forgiveness and with encouragement to follow him. The original title for this message was To Forgive and To Follow: Two Ways Jesus Restores our Relationship.


Thank God it’s Friday


A Letter to the Asian American Church