Rightly Handling the Word of Truth

Download My Free ePamphlet

We’ve all heard scary stories about pastors and leaders who abuse their power. They tear churches apart and cause Christians to stumble. How can we protect ourselves from false teachers? And how can we guard our hearts against the toxic thoughts and ideas of the world? By being sanctified vessels, pure-hearted servants, and skilled workers, God calls faithful stewards to guard against false teachers.

With special thanks to Jess, my sermon manuscript is available to download for free as a beautiful, PDF ePamphlet. Watch my sermon on YouTube. You can also read my closing prayer poem: A Teacher and a King.

I'm very grateful for the opportunities I have to preach and teach. I now have over 30 videos since I started really trying to learn, and you can watch on YouTube. For more of my free ePamphlets, check out my page of Free eBooks.


Biblical Theology


Thank God it’s Friday