Live Your Life Proclaiming Christ

Download My Free ePamphlet

We live in a world that is becoming increasingly intolerant of Christians. Pastors are put in prison. Churches are persecuted. For speaking biblical truth, you will be called out, criticized, and canceled. When trouble comes for Christians, and when the world looks like it’s winning, what are we to do? God calls you to carry out and complete a missional lifestyle — to live your life proclaiming Christ.

With special thanks to Jess, my sermon manuscript is available to download for free as a beautiful, PDF ePamphlet. Watch my sermon on YouTube. You can also read my closing prayer poem: To Love and Proclaim Christ.

I'm very grateful for the opportunities I have to preach and teach. I now have over 40 videos since I started really trying to learn, and you can watch on YouTube. For more of my free ePamphlets, check out my page of Free eBooks.


2022 SOLA Network Magazine

