Is Not My Word Like Fire?
As soon as I finished recording this video, I got a text to be ready for potential evacuation. We’re okay — but the churches in my network as well as personal friends and family have evacuated and lost homes. Your prayers are much appreciated.
I’m close enough to see the Pasadena fires from my work at the hospital. I’m humbled to have my home. I’m grateful for the safety of my family. I’m praying for the first responders and firefighters. I’m mourning with those who have lost more than I know.
As someone who values books, it is not lost to me that they are just words on paper. The books themselves are of little value — but the stories, the ideas, and the messages are what moves us. That’s the power that’s worth preserving.
God used the imagery of fire to describe how his word would burn up the deceiving lies and empty promises of the false prophets. I pray that this would be a wake up call for all of LA. My heart is heavy, but my eyes are opened. Jesus Christ burns bright.