The Beatific Vision

This is a shorter version of a special feature in my free weekly newsletter.

In the new issue of Credo Magazine, the contributors lay claim to The Beatific Vision, not only demonstrating its biblical and theological credibility but showcasing its rich history from the Great Tradition to the Reformed faith itself. Far from a suspicious doctrine, the beatific vision is natural to the task of theology, pastoral care in the Christian life, and the telos of church’s happiness in the eschaton.

The Ekstasis Christmas Collection highlights their most read essays & poetry of 2022, along with new feature essays and poems.

MBTS' Journal of Theology features four papers that were given at the Spurgeon Library Conference, including "Unwavering in the Cause of Truth: The Consistent Preaching Witness of C.H. Spurgeon."

“The reader might find helpful the following phrase as a summary of the letter’s overarching theme: 'Authority and Piety in God’s Family.'" New TGCBC on 1 Timothy by Paul Jeon.

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