Pastor Well

Download a copy of Pastor Well: A Guide to Faithfulness in Pastoral Ministry by Hershael York and gain practical answers to questions like: How can I remain content in ministry? How should I preach the funeral of a non-believer? When is a child ready to be baptized?

Anne Bradstreet’s biography is a story of persevering faith in new and difficult situations. Add to your basket, then enter code “ABSTREET” in the “Gift voucher/discount code” box and click the “+” button.

TGC has shared Leland Ryken’s Christian Guides to the Classics to help you read select works of classic literature through a Christian lens, including Shakespeare, Milton, Dickens, Tolstoy, and more.

Crossway has an entire website dedicated to their curriculum for The Biggest Story. It features free videos, weekly lesson plans, and printable activities for teachers and families.

This post is an excerpt from my free weekly newsletter. Find over 100 free eBooks at Audiobooks, academic journals, reader Bibles, and more.


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The Basics of Expository Preaching