God is the Gospel

The gospel of Jesus and his many precious blessings are not ultimately what makes the good news good, but means of seeing and savoring the Savior himself. Forgiveness is good because it opens the way to enjoying God himself. Justification is good because it wins access to the presence and pleasure of God himself. Eternal life is good because it becomes the everlasting enjoyment of Jesus.

In God is the Gospel, John Piper explains how God’s good gifts are loving to the degree that they lead us to God himself. This is the love of God: doing everything necessary, most painfully in the death of his Son, to enthrall us with what is most deeply and durably satisfying—namely, himself.

In Habits for Our Spiritual Growth, Moody Publishers selected 8 chapters from their favorite books to transform your spiritual walk. With authors like Alistair Begg and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, this book would make a great read up to Easter.

What would it look like to abide in Jesus? Jesus says that he is the source of life. If we want life, we have to stay connected to him. Learn more in Abiding in Christ by Vince Antonucci.

TGC has shared Leland Ryken’s Christian Guides to the Classics to help you read select works of classic literature through a Christian lens, including Shakespeare, Milton, Dickens, Tolstoy, and more.

Crossway has an entire website dedicated to their curriculum for The Biggest Story. It features free videos, weekly lesson plans, and printable activities for teachers and families.

This post is an excerpt from my free weekly newsletter. Find over 100 free eBooks at DiveInDigDeep.com. Audiobooks, academic journals, reader Bibles, and more.


The Story of Easter


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