
Explore features ninety-one dated and numbered devotions from January to March 2024, featuring Jason Meyer on Mark's Gospel, Tim Chester on Ezekiel, and Carl Laferton on Easter. Free from The Good Book Company.

This classic 9Marks Journal will help you to pray spur you to look for other ways to support the work going on in Healthy Churches Around the World. Our God is a global God and he is at work!

TGC has shared Leland Ryken’s Christian Guides to the Classics to help you read select works of classic literature through a Christian lens, including Shakespeare, Milton, Dickens, Tolstoy, and more.

Crossway has an entire website dedicated to their curriculum for The Biggest Story. It features free videos, weekly lesson plans, and printable activities for teachers and families.

This post is an excerpt from my free weekly newsletter. Find over 100 free eBooks at DiveInDigDeep.com. Audiobooks, academic journals, reader Bibles, and more.


Hymn of Heaven


How Reading Shapes a Child