When God Seems Gone

Have you ever felt let go by God? In When God Seems Gone, Adam Mabry helps you find hope when nothing makes sense.

God is Never Truly Absent

The book begins by stating, theologically, God is never truly absent. But this does not negate the fact that we can sometimes feel as if he is absent. Mabry offers hope and help in this small but mighty book. 

In chapter 1, Mabry speaks of lament and God’s sovereign silence in Habbakuk 1:2 — God’s choice not to answer a prayer for a season. I appreciate this phrase because it shows that God still has purpose in his silence. We must be reminded that God sees the whole picture, and we can be thankful that God does not stay silent forever.

Slow, Sovereign Love

Mabry looks at Abraham as he waited for God’s promises. There are certain temptations that come with waiting, including passivity as well as over-actively trying to help God move things along. I found it comforting to hear that sometimes God acts slowly because of his sovereign love for sinners. I was reminded of God’s patience with me, and how I must trust and also be patient with him.

I was most moved to see that when God seems unfair, Mabry calls us to look to Christ. He suffered the ultimate unfairness on behalf of our sins. I found this section helpful because it is so easy these days to compare our lives to others. Learning about God’s justice, emoting, being mindful of your friends, rejecting the temptation to define yourself as a victim, and waiting on the Lord are recommended ways to help you keep heart.

Christ, Our True Companion

I found chapter 4 and chapter 5 to be somewhat connected — when God disappoints and when God seems wrong. Self-awareness, honesty in prayer, and faithful submission to God are recurring themes. Coming to terms with the fact that God is good can help us trust and see his wisdom in our situations.

The book ends with practices to help you in a season of God’s absence, including emotional self-awareness, work and rest rhythms, prayer, confession, and not forsaking your spiritual family. This book will point you to Christ, our true companion. 

I received a media copy of When God Seems Gone and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


Helen Roseveare


Mental Health and Your Church