The Good Gift of Weakness

How does the Savior shape the weak? In The Good Gift of Weakness, Eric M. Schumacher shares how God’s strength is made perfect in the story of redemption.

Faith, Worship, and Weakness

I was most interested to learn the connections between faith and weakness. Faith highlights the central role that weakness plays in our salvation. Faith highlights God’s choice to display his strength through the weakness of his people. And faith is how we wage war against the serpent and his offspring. My eyes were opened when I learned that God only saves the weak – those who humble themselves and find their strength in Christ alone.

I was most moved to read that true worship is an acknowledgement of weakness. As a worship leader, I am exhorted to define true worship as a glad declaration of our weakness. I was reminded that true worship declares and depends upon satisfaction in Christ alone. Moreover, true worship overflows with love for the weak – like caring for orphans and widows.

Embracing Weakness in the Christian Life

The book climaxes at the cross – where by Christ’s weakness he showcases his power to save. My heart was moved to read how the lamb that was slaughtered stands at the right hand of God!

The book concludes with a call to embrace weakness in the Christian life. I was most challenged to display my weaknesses in the church. Schumacher specifically makes the applications of not being afraid to appear weak as well as boasting in my weaknesses so that Christ’s power may reside in me. This is something I want to work on as a leader as a way to keep the gospel central while showing Christ’s glorious power.

Redemptive Power

“The Good Gift of Weakness” offers a thoroughly Biblical and profound exploration of the redemptive power found in embracing our inherent frailty. In our weakness, Christ’s strength is made perfect, and His grace abounds all the more.

I received a media copy of The Good Gift of Weakness and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


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