Reformed Covenant Theology

What fundamental truths about God’s nature and our relationship with him are illuminated through the lens of Scripture? In Reformed Covenant Theology, Harrison Perkins helps us know God through his covenants. 

Covenantal Presence

This book helped me understand the covenants in a new way. I was most moved to consider the Covenant of Works as a covenant of love. To obey God is a way to express our love for him. And through the Covenant of Works, God makes his blessings known to man through features of everyday life. True spirituality is to walk and fellowship with God and his people, in regular affairs. We were made to commune with God in a relationship.

What makes this book and the arguments within particularly reformed is revealed when Perkins describes the Father, Son, and Spirit’s love for the elect. The Covenant of Redemption relates God’s infinite inner triune love to the immense love God had for his people. He is personally involved in our lives, and grants us the Spirit’s ongoing presence.

Covenantal Community

I was most interested to learn how the Covenant of Grace impacts reformed preaching. As the redeemer of God’s elect, Christ should be preached from every portion of Scripture. The Covenant of Grace defines the blessings we receive in Christ, guaranteeing our everlasting life in relationship with God. The already-not-yet nature of the covenant of grace calls us to patience, endurance, and hope.

The end of the book examines the unfolding covenants, and details what it means to live in a covenantal community with the church and with God. It is the family where we belong to each other, but ultimately to God. Through the covenants, I have come to deeply see and appreciate the rich rewards of fellowship with God and his people.

I received a media copy of Reformed Covenant Theology and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


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