Reclaim Your Marriage

Where can wives find peace when pornography has hurt them and their husbands? In Reclaim Your Marriage, Jenny Solomon offers grace for wives who have been hurt by pornography. 

Faithfulness and Hope in God

I appreciated the blunt words used throughout the book regarding the destructiveness of porn in that it severs holy unity. Solomon calls wives to reorient your life direction towards God, where faithfulness and hope are found.

By beginning with lament, wives can share their grievances and gratitude towards God. It allows us to remember to rely on our Heavenly Father. Scripture makes it clear that sin cannot be overcome without confession. This involves friends, but also pastors, counselors, and community group leaders.

Wisdom in God’s Word

Porn permeates destructive lies about body image. Women can be encouraged that they are made in God’ image. As a man, I was struck by the notion that when we look at Jesus, we won’t find handsomeness. Rather, we will find beauty because he embodies perfect love.

I was interested to see how 1 Samuel 25 and the story of Abigail provides wisdom for wives. Wisdom is shown to be pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, sincere, and sowing a harvest of righteousness in peace by making peace. Solomon takes a look at spiritual practices and gives practical advice in setting up your home for safety.

Strength in the Lord

Wives can resolve to have accountability and refuse to seek revenge. We are all sexually broken, but God grants us mercy in Jesus. Wives can be welcoming by forgiving, serving, and showing grace. God means to sanctify and humble us – even through the sins of our husbands.

The book has several questions to help you understand your situation as well as your husband. Appendixes include porn and abuse, ministry after porn, and is pornography use grounds for divorce? The book closes by encouraging women who have been hurt to find their strength in the Lord. He will give hope and and mercy for every new day.

I received a media copy of Reclaim Your Marriage and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


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ESV Psalms, Photography Edition