Priscilla, Where Are You?

What can women find in the Word? In Priscilla, Where Are You? Natalie Brand beckons women to joyful theology.

In less than 100 pages, Brand shows how Priscilla from the Bible is a heroine in the faith – a persecuted Jewish-Christian refugee with “gospel guts” and unwavering courage.

This book challenges women to dig deep into Gospel mines because “what we believe about God is the single most important thing about us.” Brand reminds us that God is inexhaustible, and as we seek Him, our hearts will be warmed in worship.

An Inspiring Invitation to Pursue the Deep Things of God

What I was most moved by was the thought that an adventerous spirit was meant for us to discover God. She encourages reading the classic Christians works of Calvin, Luther, and Augustine to help us explore and understand biblical truth.

Interestingly, Brand asks her women readers to widen their vision for ministry. Rather than seeking public platforms, she encourages women to focus on the intimate, private spaces where true discipleship takes root — in personal relationships and quiet service.

Each chapter concludes with discussion questions, making the book ideal for small groups or personal reflection. Priscilla, Where Are You? is an inspiring invitation to pursue the deep things of God. Your heart will be glad. And you will find gold.

I received a media copy of
Priscilla, Where Are You? and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


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