Gospel-Shaped Womanhood
What does a relationship with Jesus really look like for women? In Gospel-Shaped Womanhood, Sarah Rice shows how losing yourself and finding your identity in Christ changes everything. This book will help you see that identity in Christ is the only stable and lasting foundation upon which to build a life.
Part One examines all that Christ has achieved for us in salvation. God’s grace enables us to be true to Christ rather than to ourselves. The ultimate benefit of gospel identity is union with Christ. Women can rest in their identity and in Christ day by day. I was most interested to read how the Holy Spirit is better than any worldly sense of female empowerment. Moreover, women are members of God’s forever family, and nothing can separate us from his love.
Powered by Grace
Part Two gets practical on how the gospel impacts women’s work, friendships, bodies, and marriages or singleness. Women rooted in Christ can work well by evading the traps of comparing to others. Friendship with other women must be rooted in their individual friendships with Christ. Women can be encouraged to offer their entire bodies as a living sacrifice, including the areas of diet and exercise. Both marriage and singleness are gifts from God.
There is a spiritual war behind being a gospel-shaped woman, but it is a war that has been won. After reading this book I am committed to encouraging my sisters of the transformative hope they can have in Christ. It is a gospel identity powered by grace.
I received a media copy of Gospel-Shaped Womanhood and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.