Dwell Differently

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How does the Bible change us for the better? In "Dwell Differently," Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz help you overcome negative thinking with the simple practice of memorizing God's truth. This book doesn't just hand you a list of verses to memorize. Instead, it guides you through a joyful process of understanding, internalization, and application. Their purpose is clear -- to fix our minds and rewire our thoughts through Bible memorization.

Remember and Retain

In this delightful book, Abbott and Schmitz invite you to memorize 11 powerful Bible verses to transform your life. They don’t just tell you what verses to memorize but they explain the verses so you understand the specific truths they tell you. They then ask you to apply the truth to your life — prompting you with helpful questions and insight. I was inspired to quote scripture from memory when I’m preaching and teaching from the pulpit, as well as simply living life together with my wife and kids at home.

One of the core techniques introduced in Dwell Differently is the mnemonic device of memorizing verses by stringing together the first letter of each word. This method not only aids in rememberance and retention but also serves as the foundation for creating beautiful Scripture designs, turning the letters into vibrant, full-color visuals that enhance your memorization experience.

Renew Your Mind

I was most challenged when presented with 1 John 3:1a. This verse combats the negative feedback loop of feeling unlovable. By emphasizing the lavish love of God, I was moved to make this a verse I take to heart.

While admitting to living in a weary world, this book is overwhelmingly positive. It's a hopeful guide to a mindset of resilience and faith. The book ends by encouraging you to replay these verses like a song in your head. They will get stuck. Renew your mind and embrace the abundant life promised by memorizing and meditating on God's Word.

I received a media copy of Dwell Differently and this is my honest review. Find more of my book reviews and follow Dive In, Dig Deep on Instagram - my account dedicated to Bibles and books to see the beauty of the Bible and the role of reading in the Christian life. To read all of my book reviews and to receive all of the free eBooks I find on the web, subscribe to my free newsletter.


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