The Ideal Valedictorian Speech

Originally published on June 5, 2018.

Short of sharing the gospel, what should a Christian valedictorian say in a graduation speech at a public school?

Life-Changing Challenges

I’ve heard many graduation speeches over the years. While many are eloquent, few are impactful. Given the platform and reach, the ideal valedictorian speech at a public school would be to share the gospel.

However, this probably won’t pass administration approval and might not be the most tactical use of a captive audience. Here are some ideas that might lead to life-changing results.

1. Give thanks (to God). 

Thanking parents, teachers, and friends are commonplace. While it’s sad that thanking God might be novel, an acknowledgment of God’s goodness to students could cause for pause and reflection.

2. State that the students worth is not in their grades. 

This idea was offered by my Sunday School co-teacher Chris. After years of schooling, it would be refreshing and freeing to hear this from a peer, especially from someone at the top of the class.

3. Mention how making money does not define you. 

Expounding on the previous point, I think this could be life-changing to some. Education for many is a means to the end of money. Putting money in its place would be a daring thing, noting the inherent worth of every human being.

4. Emphasize wisdom over worldly knowledge. 

Many will be going on to college and earning high degrees. It should be stated that scholarly knowledge does not always equate to wise living.

5. Proclaim life’s purpose. 

This will have to be done strategically, but talking about how not living for yourself and acknowledging humility to a Creator will elevate thoughts above the current moment.

Steward Your Position and Platform

I don’t think these points pass as sharing the gospel, and I don’t think anyone will become a Christian from a valedictorian speech. While this is a hypothetical situation for me, I’m sure there are Christians who will be given the opportunity to speak in front of an audience.

So what should a Christian student do to steward the position and platform? Point to Christ in any way possible. Be as explicit in the gospel as the school will allow. Use his ideas, use his worldview, use his parables. And pray that God will cause the growth so that he gets the glory.


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