Partners in the Gospel: 5 Ways Parents Can Help Sunday School Teachers

The primary place of discipleship is in the home. As a Sunday School teacher, it sometimes seems as if parents just delegate the task of discipleship to the church. How can parents and teachers partner together for the spiritual formation of their children?

1. Bring your kids to church.

Teach them to be responsible regarding their homework and sleep on Friday and Saturday in preparation for Sunday. Give them breakfast and do your best to get to class on time.

2. Talk to your children about spiritual matters.

Ask them what they are learning in Sunday School. Ask them for their prayer requests. Talk about the sermon, and talk about small groups. Conversations about God and the Gospel should be happening in the home.

3. Discipline your children.

Teach your children right from wrong. Show them that we must take our sin seriously. Help them learn how to ask for forgiveness and teach them how to forgive others.

4. Encourage the spiritual growth of your children.

Buy them books, take them to church events, and allow them to hang out with their church friends. Let our Christianity be comprehensive, and let us find ways to fill our hearts, minds, and lives with Christ.

5. Pray with and for your children.

Pray for your children, pray for their teachers, and pray for your church. Pray together, and pray often. Model prayer and teach your children how to commune with God.

The Family of God

Parents can come alongside Sunday School teachers and support them as they assist in training their children. Let’s take theology out of the classroom and bring it into our daily lives. It’s one small way that the church can be the family of God.


Partners in the Gospel


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