Don’t Ask This Question: “Where Is Everyone?”

Pastors, worship leaders, Sunday school teachers, and counselors, I beg you to never ask this question: “Where is everyone?” Here are 3 reasons why.

1. It looks like you want to have a large audience.

You prepared. You want to be heard. But our hearts are deceitful. Pride can easily creep in on us when we think we deserve more attention. Let’s love to teach and preach and sing and serve because of Christ – not for the crowds.

2. It looks like you have favorites.

Think about how this question sounds to those who are present. How does it make them feel? Is their attendance not enough? We must be willing to lead and shepherd those who show up. All of God’s children are important.

3. It looks like you do not understand God’s sovereignty.

Everyone who is in attendance is there because God wants them to be there. And everyone who is not - God has other plans. Let’s teach our people that we must trust God’s goodness. We can always pray for those who are not there. 

Wisdom in Words

Not all of us should be teachers. We should take care of how we handle God’s Word but also be vigilant in how we care for his flock. Let’s control our tongues, have wisdom in our words, and have the love of Christ who does not let any of his sheep go missing.

A Good Word from my Friend, Praise L.

After reading this post, my friend Praise wrote:

Can there be innocence in being concerned about other members of the church in asking this question as we are also called to keep each other accountable in not neglecting to gather with the church? I agree that leaders need to have wisdom in their words, but I think the context and heart matters. What do you think?

My reply:

Yes! I think if we replaced the word “everyone” w/ specific names, then it would seem less selfish to me. but yes, I think you are right. Thanks for helping me sharpen my thoughts. It means a lot to me that you would read and consider my words!


“Where is everyone?”


Such Were Some of You