3 Quick Tips to Get Kids Interested in Reading

I originally shared this on Instagram.

1. Make books easily accesible

“One of the most helpful tips is to simply have books easily accessible to them. We’ve got books in every room, baskets of books on the floor, lots of books at their eye level to catch their attention, and special book holders in their bed!” @blossomingthroughbooks

2. Nurture their interests with relevant books

Help them find books about topics that they’re already excited and curious about. Follow the interests, feed it!” @andycimbala

3. Prioritize reading by limiting screen time and making books readily available

Just read all the time to them and in front of them! Limit screen time until they’ve read for the day. Have books around the house easily accessible. Always make a point of having kids take a book in the car/to errands etc, in case you get stuck waiting! @anna.r.walker


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