Goodbye Hiding, Hello Freedom
In Goodbye Hiding, Hello Freedom, Morgan Krueger writes about trading your shame for redemption in Jesus. The book begins with a simple yet profound truth: We belong to our Heavenly Father and our identity is intrinsically tied to our Creator.
Forming Faith
Written by Matt Markins, Mike Handler, and Sam Luce, Forming Faith teaches you how to disciple the next generation in a post-Christian culture.
We Shall All Be Changed
In We Shall All Be Changed, Whitney K. Pipkin explores how facing death with loved ones transforms us. She writes: “The death of a parent is like losing the backdrop to your life halfway through the play.”
D.L. Moody: A Life
D.L. Moody: A Life offers a compelling portrait of the extraordinary journey of one of church history’s most influential figures. Author Kevin Belmonte brings to life the remarkable story of Dwight L. Moody, a man whose legacy continues to shape the world of evangelical Christianity and beyond.
Exile and Return
Friends Come and Friends Go / How One Gen Zer Is Gaining Biblical Literacy the Old-Fashioned Way / Stressed Kids? Show Them Their Worth in Christ. / Prioritize Culture over Calendar in Women’s Ministry
The Nehemiah Way
In The Nehemiah Way, Dr. John H. Wilson and Amy Lynch provide an wise and practical guide to mobilizing a church full of leaders.
A Wonderful Surprise
A Wonderful Surprise by Sally Michael is a beautiful book that helps parents introduce their children to the message of King Jesus.