Why Broken Friendships Hurt
50 Thoughts on Preaching / Learning and Writing about God and the Church: An Interview with Tim Challies / Why Broken Friendships Hurt / Why Do Children Disobey?
Learning and Writing about God and the Church: An Interview with Tim Challies
I spoke with Tim Challies about how he heard about SOLA Network, how it feels half a year after releasing his book (Seasons of Sorrow), behind the scenes of his article for SOLA Network (If God Would Outsource His Sovereignty), how platforms and parachurch ministries like SOLA Network can achieve longevity and faithfulness, and his upcoming projects.
Speak O Lord
Speak O Lord (Living Hope Community Church) / Lord I Need You (Tapestry Church) / All the Poor and Powerless (All Nations Community Church)
The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness
The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness by Tim Keller / Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God by Noel Piper
Biblical Preaching
Book Review: Biblical Preaching, by Haddon W. Robinson / Fight for Delight by Planning Your Devotions / The Relief and Conflict of the Reading Life / I Was Preaching to My Twitter Feed / 4 Gorgeous Christian Allegories
Jesus Prays for His People
Jesus prays for his people to be protected, united, and sanctified — for their joy and for his glory.
Thank God it’s Friday
Ask Pastor John: 1 Percent of a Book Can Change Your Life / FTC Podcast: Drew Dyck on Christian Publishing
The Old and the New
Can we really find Christ all throughout the Bible? In The Old and the New, Laurent Clemenceau presents Christ as the center of both testaments.
Holy Living
What do Jonathan Edwards’s Resolutions reveal about his life and mind? In Holy Living, Matthew Everhard shares Jonathan Edwards’s Seventy Resolutions for Living the Christian Life.
The Kingdom of Heaven
What does gardening have to do with God’s word? The Kingdom of Heaven uses the many allusions to gardening in the Bible to teach little ones about God’s kingdom and their role in it.