We Are Not Left Alone
This was the closing prayer poem from my sermon I Will Not Leave You as Orphans.
The World You Came to Save
The closing prayer poem from my sermon Jesus Came to Save the World.
Thank You, Father, for the Church
This was the closing prayer poem from my Children’s Worship sermon Christian Community: Living Life Together in God.
Compassionate and Gracious
This was the closing prayer poem from my Sunday School lesson on Gentle and Lowly Ch. 16: The Lord, the Lord.
In Suffering, Pain, or Sorrow
The closing prayer poem from my Sunday School lesson on Gentle and Lowly Ch. 15: His “Natural” Work and His “Strange” Work.
The Light of the World
The closing prayer poem from my Children’s Worship sermon: The Light of the World: How Jesus and His Disciples Help People See, Know, and Love God.
As His Friends
The closing prayer poem from my Sunday School lesson on Gentle and Lowly Chapter 12: A Tender Friend.
All We Want and Need
The closing prayer poem from my Youth Worship sermon titled Who is Jesus? Salvation and Judgment by the Son of God.
One Who Loves and Never Leaves
The closing prayer poem from my Youth Worship sermon titled Correction, Confrontation, and Condemnation: The Glory of God on Display as Jesus Dwells Among Us.
A Holy Fear of Your Holy Name
This was the closing prayer poem from my Sunday School lesson titled Dangers of the Doctrines of Grace.
Our Greatest Treasure
The closing prayer poem from my sermon on Matthew 25:14-30, titled Faithful Servants, Fruitful Stewards: Enter Into the Joy of Your Master.